Cedrorana has been successfully used for moldings, interior and exterior constructions, such as windowframes, double-glazing, laminated beams, doors, turnery, plywood, paneling, furniture.
Specific gravity
900-1000 kg/m3.
With Cedrorana sawing, planing, finishing, gluing are all very easy with hardly any abrasing effect on tools. However saws and knifes must be kept sharp to avoid woolly or ‘torn fibres’. With the exception of an extreme low density specimen this timber holds nails and screws very well. Gluing and laminating of this specy can be done with very good results.
The Heartwood of Cedrorana is pale brown with a golden luster to clear copper-red. Often marked with dark red vessel lines, gradually merging into the lighter coloured sapwood. Luster moderately low. Sapwood creamish white to creamish pink, not very distinct from the heartwood. Coarse-textured and roe-grained, but usually very straightgrained, occasionally slightly interlocked. Easy to cut but saws a little woolly; can however be finished very smoothly. Considered firm and tough and fairly durable. Without distinctive odour and taste. Only when fresh, having an unpleasant odour.