FSC Louro Gamela from the Amazon region of Brazil

Louro Gamela / Red Louro

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Hardwood for a better world

Louro gamela Hardwood

Louro gamela is a popular type of wood for facade cladding. This type of wood, also called Louro Vermelho or Wane, has been used successfully for many years for the facade cladding of offices and (holiday) homes. It can also be used for other applications such as outdoor furniture. We have been able to supply Louro gamela wood for various projects. You can see a selection of these in the photo album on this page.

Durability class
Class 1-2.
Strength class

The wood can be used for street furniture, facade cladding, decking, fence boards.

Specific gravity
Fresh 800-1000 kg/m3. At 12% moisture content 650-750 kg/m3.
Louro vermelho has a red to brownish colour. Without finish and with good ventilation, the wood will turn into a silvery gray within a year.
Freshly sawn wet Louro gamela wood has a distinctive scent, which disappears after drying. The wood weave of wet Louro gamela is covered with a waxy substance, which makes it difficult for the wood to absorb or release moisture.
Straight to cross-threaded, sometimes tousled.
Timber texture
The grain of red Louro wood is moderately coarse.
Louro Gamela hardwood is a very slow-drying type of wood. Thin wood dries moderately quickly. It has to be dried carefully to avoid cracks and bending. Wood thicker than 50 mm is very difficult to dry due to the waxy substance which soaks its surface.
2950 N.
The machinability of Louro vermelho is good, but it has a slightly dulling effect on tools.
Machining goes well. With sharp tools a smooth surface can be achieved. Pre-drilling is recommended.
Finishing of surface
With glueing (also for finger jointing) the results are good. Research is going on for glueing of Louro Gamela in constructive uses. Finishing goes well.
Other names
Louro vermelho, canela (Brazil), red louro wood (Great Britain), wana (Suriname).
Background information
Freshly sawn, Louro Gamela heartwood has a salmon hue which turns to a light reddish brown or a slightly yellowish reddish brown once dried. This wood has a moderately distinct golden sheen. The 20-50 mm wide sapwood has a yellowish white to dirty yellow or grey-brown colour which is clearly different from the heartwood. The wood can have a light stripe pattern due to cross-grained texture, which makes it look somewhat like mahogany.
The large trees get a diameter till about 1,2 m, with a straight and cylindric shape. It is possible to produce larger dimensions.
Origin area
Brazil, Guyana and Suriname.
Team Van den Berg Hardhout hardwood suppliers

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